Dating Tips – How to Flirt and Attract Conservative Asian Women | Nutrition Fit



Here are THREE easy to do tips if you want to flirt and attract your Asian woman without messing it up. I highly encourage you to make this a long-term plan because the miracle tips every other dating coach out there gives won’t work. Conservative women really don’t budge that easily, HOWEVER here are some absolutely effective ways to MAKE HER WANT YOU. So, would you rather be this pushy guy who tries and fails, or the guy who conservative women BEG to sleep with?

1) The Key is to be humble.

If your image is that you’re an outgoing guy, or if you’re six feet two and she’s 5’1″, you definitely want to balance that act by being humble.

Conservative Asian Women LOVE self-deprecating humor, especially if its established that you’re the cooler one. Its a given that Conservative Asian Women are not afraid to compliment, so if she tells you you’re really awesome or cool for wearing that new $60 Zanerobi t-shirt, it’s best to tell her as a joke that you’ve been wearing it for the past 3 days and she must be kissing your ass. Again, laughter will ensue because you’ve elected to show humility.

2) Talk about possibilities and do not push for a date.

Usually the deal breaker is being overaggressive and being pushy. This is what most foreigners have trouble with when it comes to conservative Asian women.

In my coaching system, we have a term called Foreshadowing. What that means is giving her a possibility of a future date.

Instead of saying “we should go on a date,” say “imagine if we took a walk by the beach this weekend, that would be quite fun wouldn’t it?”

Look at it from a conservative Asian woman’s eyes. She pretty much lives a very introverted life, or even if she had some social activities they’re probably not doorways to her meeting a boyfriend. If you “foreshadow” it, she will imagine it and SHE will be the one wanting to say yes.

When you push for a date, she’ll immediately think of a yes or no answer. When you foreshadow not just one, but multiple dates as a possibility in her head, things change. Now she’s got all these beautiful things like having wine at the hotel bar, walking down the beach, trying tai chi for the first time, or going on a nice stroll down the park as options. Instead of YOU forcing the date, she will look at her schedule, free up a day and because you’ve established the vision, she’ll be excited to go with you.

Trust me guys I am never wrong with this.

3) Befriend her close friends

A Conservative Asian Woman has a small, close-knit group of friends, and most likely they’re conservative as well. If you follow these techniques don’t blame me if they all wind up wanting to sleep with you because that’s happened to me numerous, numerous times. Asian Women are all about intrigue, so if you create intrigue by becoming close to her close friends, she’ll want you a whole lot more because it shows you can “exist” in her world.

Now I don’t mean you have to stay there and play Monopoly with everybody while watching a Korean Soap opera you don’t understand, but do spend some time with her friends. Again, maybe in other cultures its different, but conservative Asian women DO VALUE friendship and closeness, and as much as possible want their best friends and lovers in the same “camp.”

While I do not suggest befriending her parents ASAP, her close friends will do for now. You’ll want to build enough allies within her friends group who think your cool, and that will eventually aid you with the showdown with the parental units.

But I’m getting ahead of myself and I’ve got a conservative chick coming over who’s pretty intrigued with sake bombs. So, I’ll so you guys in my next article which you’ll find in my blog.


Source by Troy Dizon