Dealing With an Uncured Yeast Infection



There are three probable reasons you may be suffering from an uncured yeast infection. Either you haven’t treated it yet, or it is a chronic infection that does not respond well to antibiotic treatments. Another reason for a chronic infection is if you suffer from diabetes. An infection is caused by Candida Albicans, which is a naturally occurring bacteria that is found within all of us to some degree. An infection is what occurs when this bacteria grows out of control.

If you haven’t treated the infection yet, there are many things to try. You may choose to go to a doctor and get a prescription. You may choose over the counter remedies, or you may try natural remedies.

If you have a chronic yeast infection, chances are you have been using an antibiotic treatment. Antibiotics are not always successful, either because the full course was not taken, or because the yeast is already too strong for the antibiotic that was given. When antibiotic instructions are not followed to the letter, the bacterial infections they are meant to fight get stronger. The same thing happens when the antibiotic prescribed is not strong enough to eradicate the infection.

If you suspect you may be diabetic, go to the doctor for some tests. Untreated diabetes can lead to a lot more serious health conditions than a yeast infection.

So, what’s the big deal? Why can’t you just let the uncured yeast infection run its course?

Besides being itchy and uncomfortable, it can lead to more serious infections. It can wear down your immune system even further, creating the opportunity for other, stronger illnesses like herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr syndrome to take hold. It can also spread… yeast can infect the mouth, the vagina, the genital folds (especially in an infant), nipples (when you’re breastfeeding), the penis and foreskin, the ear, the armpit and the nose.

The first thing to do is improve hygiene in the affected area. Wash the area thoroughly with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Dry the area thoroughly. Even after you’ve dried with a towel, air dry the area for a little while. Yeast likes warm, moist areas, and being exposed to the air is a good way to put the Candida bacteria back in their place. Do this every day.

If the infection is vaginal, refrain from using any products that are made to ‘freshen’ the area, especially if they contain fragrances. Even though these products are advertised all over, it does not mean they should be used. These products create an imbalance in the flora that normally populate the vagina, giving yeast the opportunity to take over and create another infection.

So if you are suffering from an uncured yeast infection, try to figure out what is the underlying cause.


Source by Blake Allen