Saturday, April 27, 2024
Home Body Building Hard and Heavy Back Workout | Nutrition Fit

Hard and Heavy Back Workout | Nutrition Fit



Hard and Heavy Back Workout

This is a classic “clangin’ and bangin”’ back day focused on heavy compound movements, but finishing with high-rep pull-overs. It’s the perfect main course before switching to a quick pump-focused biceps workout for dessert.


3 sets, 6-8 reps (rest 2 min. )


T-Bar Row

If you don’t have access to a T-bar, use a chest-supported row variation.

3 sets, 6-8 reps (rest 90 sec. )


Neutral-grip pull-up

If you can’t perform at least 6 reps, use the assisted pull-up machine or perform band-assisted reps.

3 sets, 6-10 reps (rest 90 sec. )


Bent-Arm Dumbbell Pull-over

Perform on a decline bench, if possible.

3 sets, 12-15 reps (rest 90 sec.)


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