Our Favorite Pick for Acne Treatment | Nutrition Fit



Ahh, we’re sure that this is an experience shared by many:  frantically searching store shelves for acne spot treatments or Googling how to get rid of pimples fast after waking up to a fresh breakout on your nose. 

It’s safe to say acne has no fans. Pimples always seem poised and ready to show up at the worst and most inconvenient of times, which are usually when you don’t have the patience to wait for them to naturally dry up and heal. Bottomline is: You don’t want those red, clear-as-day mini-mountains on your face, and you want them gone as soon as possible. 

As luck would have it … luck is on your side, as modern technology and science have made leaps and bounds in acne treatment, significantly reducing the number of days you see yourself in a most unappealing light. 

meta reviews 1 Top pick, acne treatment Photo from Neutrogena

 The people at Neutrogena, who have developed its Rapid Clear Acne Eliminating Spot Treatment Gel have made a product based on those many leaps and bounds. 

Made by a dermatologically trusted brand, this acne-eliminating treatment gel contains salicylic acid, which is a top-shelf acne combatant by many accounts, helping calm flare-ups by unclogging and drying out angry pores, all while reducing redness and inflammation. Additionally, this product also contains witch hazel, which is a natural ingredient that boasts skin-soothing properties. Combine those with the gel’s Micro-Clear technology, and you have yourself a winning formula that Neutrogena promises should help reduce pimple size and swelling in as little as 8 hours. 

The reviews are just as positive as well, with satisfied customers, both young and old, giving it 5-star ratings in top websites like Amazon and Walgreens. One customer said that they’ve been using the product since age 11,  while another is glad to find a product that works for seniors who still get the occasional red bumps. A number of customers reported that the product is effective on drying out acne spots,  and helping minimize the pain on different types of pimples, such as hormonal and cystic acne. 

These benefits, along with an affordable price, makes the Neutrogena Clear Acne Eliminating Spot Treatment Gel a top contender in the market for acne treatments, if it hasn’t already reached that spot.

Article medically reviewed by Yvonne Stolworthy, MSN, RN
If you’re interested in reading how Medical Daily reaches its Top Pick conclusions, please click here.


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